Personal projects: dragon design, creature design and a period painting
Here are some projects I did for kicks. Trying to ground the dragon in a reality with some dinosaur elements. Zbrush creature model test and paintover to try out a different process. It was an interesting experiment and fun to model. Threw in a period piece, and left my pencil drawing visible in the painting, which I don't often do. I love the feeling of drawing with a pencil, you can draw very linearly or broadly put down marks like a paintbrush. I just can't achieve that versatility of markmaking on a computer (without changing digital "tools"). But then again, it's a pain to archive pencilled drawings and keep them smudge free...and I have nowhere to store the stacks of paper...
Nihilistic/Konami's Zombie Apocalypse came out and demoed well enough at E3 that it got a couple of best of E3 nominations. 12 Good times developing that.
Anyway, I started working on EA's "Dante's Inferno" a couple of months ago, and it's a hella fun. :P Seriously, I can't believe how many talented artists there are surrounding me...inspiration is always nearby.
Chris Ocampo is a Senior Concept Artist that has been developing videogames since 2005. He has worked for many clients which include Disney Interactive, THQ, Sony, Konami, George RR Martin, LucasFilm Ltd, and Electronic Arts.
He also works as a freelance illustrator and designer for other entertainment industries.
His latest announced project was Star Wars 1313 at LucasArts. He contributed heavily to the Award winning trailer at E3.
Currently, he is a Senior Concept Artist at EA's Visceral Studio working on multiple unannounced projects.
dope model and paintings. how are you enjoying the ea machine?
way hot.
White steeds are my favorite kind of mount when shooting musket's.
ZA nominated for best in show still blows my mind.
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